How Do I Set My Budget

  • Log in to the SILOSS App

    The user logs in to the SILOSS app on their mobile device.

  • Access Budget Tracking Features

    The user navigates to the "Budget Tracking" section within the app.

  • Set Budget Limit

    - If the user chooses to set a budget limit, they select the option within the app to set a budget for a specific expense category.

    - The app prompts the user to enter the budget amount and the time frame for the budget (e.g., monthly, quarterly, annually).

  • Track Expenses within the App

    - The user records their expenses within the app or uploads receipts to track spending.

    - The app automatically calculates the total spending within the selected expense categories.

  • Visual Representation of Spending

    - The app provides a visual representation, such as a progress bar or charts, showing spending against the set budget limit.

    - This visual representation helps users monitor their spending habits and stay within their budgeted amounts.

  • Receive Notifications for Budget Status

    - The app sends notifications or visual alerts to indicate the spending status if the user exceeds or approaches the budget limit within a specific expense category.

    - These alerts help users stay informed about their spending and adjust if necessary to stay within budget.

  • View Budget Reports

    - The app also generates budget reports, including spending summaries and trends, to provide users with insights into their financial habits.

    - Users can access these reports within the app to review their budget status and make informed financial decisions.

  • Adjust Budget Settings (Optional)

    Users can revisit the budget tracking section to adjust budget limits, add new expense categories, or modify existing budget settings if needed.

  • Monitor and Manage Budget

    Users can continuously monitor their spending against the set budget, adjust as needed, and use the app's budget-tracking features to manage their finances effectively.


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